
Fees and pricelist for treatment with chiropractors at Oakwood Chiropractic in Shoreham, Sussex. Chiropractors in Shoreham near Brighton, Hove, Worthing, Lancing and Henfield




Consultation and Examination: £75

Standard Adjustment (paid individually): £45

Reactivation (over one year since last visit/ longer appt ): £65

Full spine x-ray and detailed report (off-site): £160

Our chiropractors must gather detailed patient history and conduct a thorough physical examination before considering whether x-rays will be beneficial or necessary. If x-rays are required, you will be referred to a local clinic where you can be seen promptly. Fee includes full report.

Child - under 16

Consultation and Examination: £75

Standard Adjustment (paid individually): £35

Reactivation (over one year since last visit/ longer appt): £65

A 10% pre-payment discount is available on a block of 12 adjustment visits for both adults and children.

This can also be shared with other family members on the same rate.